Dr M. A. Wazed Miah Institute of Advance Studies and Research

Mission And Vision

Dr. M.A Wazed Miah Institute of Advance Studies and Research


The activities of the institute are outlined as follows:

1.     Publication of scientific Journals and research works.

2.     Primary evaluation of M.phil and Ph.D’s application/research proposal.

3.     Processing for Scholarship/Fellowship award for post graduate studies on basis of availability of the fund.

4.     Introduce extra courses (e.g. IELTS, Language, programming) which will help the students/faculties for further studies.

5.     Research Cell concerns about the following matter;

Ø Documentation and Publication (non-scientific)

Ø Promotion of University-Industry interaction

Ø Promotion of University-University link (home and abroad)

Ø Initiation and maintenance of international collaboration (research/academic)

Ø Arranging seminars, conferences and workshops.