International Service Center (ISC)


Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST) is inviting applications from international students for admission into the undergraduate program. JUST values diversity and strongly encourages international students to apply for undergraduate programs. Please read the admission circular in order to know the details about the requirements of admission and the process to apply at JUST.

Programs Offered :

*4-year Bachelor (Engineering/Honors) 

*5-year Bachelor of Pharmacy & Physiotherapy (Professional) 

*MSc Engg., MSc, MS, MBA, MA Programs 

*MPhil & PhD

Academic Requirement :

1. The applicant must have completed twelve years of education (e.g. A-Level or equivalent) in recent years. 

2. S/he must have secured a minimum CGPA of 3.50 on a scale of 5.00 or 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 in A-Level, O-Level, and equivalent examinations. 

3. Academic background must match with the Undergraduate Program intended to enroll. 

4. Applicants from the British education system must have secured a minimum of C grade at both O and A Levels with no D grade in any subject. 

5. The medium of instruction in all undergraduate programs in English. Thus, students are expected to be proficient enough to take courses conducted in English

Facilities available :

1. Minimum tuition fee 

2. Full or partial tuition fee waiver

3. Low cost of living

4. Internet coverage

5. Well equipped laboratories and workshops

6. Digital Library 

7. Residence facilities are available after admission

Tuition Fee and others :

1. Admission and registration fee: About 22000.00 BDT.

2. Semester fee: 3040.00 BDT per semester.

Scholarship :

1. Registered international students of JUST with outstanding achievement at semester final examination can apply to the International Service Center for awards and scholarship.

Admission Procedure :

1. Required qualifications of the candidates would be evaluated through the documents screening committee and the selected applicants will be notified within 15 days of the application deadline. 

2. After selection an offer letter will be sent to the applicant. 

3. The selected applicant has to be physically present during the time of admission and registration. The selected applicant has to submit his/her original documents to the office of the Registrar of the Jashore University of Science and Technology within the deadline set by the university. 

4. The applicant has to pay the tuition fees and other charges before his/her admission. 

The University reserves the right to :

1. Request additional information to verify an application 

2. Terminate a student’s registration at any stage of admission.

3. Withdraw the application/registration if it is proven, or if the University has a reasonable belief that the information is false, or the applicant/student refuses to provide the request information. 

4. Put the application process on hold while investigating the alleged fraudulent application.

Admission circular: (Please click the following link for download circular)


Admission form: (Please click the following link for download form )


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For admission inquiry:

For exchange, collaboration, and others:


1) Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, Director: +88 01797-238131

Facebook Group:

Paper-based contact:


International Service Center

Jashore University of Science and Technology

Jashore 7408, Bangladesh.

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