Dr. -ing (Unizar, Spain), M. Ing. (UM- France & UPS- France, VSCHT- Czech Republic and Unizar-Spain) , M.Sc. (IU- Bangladesh), B.Sc. ing. (JUST- Bangladesh)
Associate Professor
Dr. -ing (Unizar, Spain), M. Ing. (UM- France & UPS- France, VSCHT- Czech Republic and Unizar-Spain) , M.Sc. (IU- Bangladesh), B.Sc. ing. (JUST- Bangladesh)
Associate Professor
Dr. Md. Rafiul Hasan is a Membrane Engineer (with Erasmus+) having a background of Chemical Engineering. He earned PhD in Chemical Engineering from university of Zaragoza, Spain in 2023. Currently, he is serving as an Associate Professor at the department of Chemical Engineering, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. In addition, he is serving as a Director (additional charge) in the office of the physical education. Moreover, he is a co-investigator at NAME LAB, JUST. His research interest lies in Environmental Engineering, especially with nanoparticles, membranes & their application. So far, He has 30 journal publications and many conference Proceedings. He was associated with several voluntary organizations such as: Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA) Country representative - Spain (2020-22), Adviser of the founding committee of Sohayok, JUST, adviser to the JUST Research Club, Moderator if the JUST Chemical Club, adviser to the anti-ragging society and JUST Sports club.
Last Update: 19 Nov, 2024