
Dr. Md. Masum Billah

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    Dr. Md. Masum Billah

    Doctor of Philosophy in Science (Specification: Membrane Biophysics), Japan; MS in Physics (Specification: Biomedical Physics), University of Dhaka (DU); B. Sc (Hons.) in Physics, University of Dhaka (DU)

    Assistant Professor

    Dept. of Physics
    Jashore University of Science and Technology
    Teacher Image

    Dr. Md. Masum Billah

    Doctor of Philosophy in Science (Specification: Membrane Biophysics), Japan; MS in Physics (Specification: Biomedical Physics), University of Dhaka (DU); B. Sc (Hons.) in Physics, University of Dhaka (DU)

    Assistant Professor

    Jashore University of Science and Technology


    I, Dr. Md. Masum Billah, have been working as an Asst. Professor in the Department of Physics (Faculty of Science) at Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST), Bangladesh since April 2016. Before being upgraded as Assistant Professor, I was working as a Lecturer in the same department from April 2014.

    My research interests comprise broadly in Biophysics and Medical Physics, specifically Membrane Biophysics, Electrical impedance in physiological environment; Nano-bio-materials; Artificial Membranes & Biomembranes; Physical properties (e.g., elastic modulus) of membranes; Nanotechnology of drug delivery; Peptides/Proteins; Phase Stability and Phase transitions in Biological Systems; Mechanism and kinetics of pore formation in Lipi-bilayers/biomembranes; Membrane Potential; Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure; Fluorescence probes, Photo- bleaching and ND-filters.

    Expertise in (Experimental Techniques/Equipments):

    1. Various Microscopes used in physiological measurement (Confocal LASER Scanning microscope (CLSM), Phase-contrast microscope, Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscope, and other several standard Fluorescence microscopes).
    2. High-resolution Digital CMOS camera
    3. Neutral density (ND) filters to control Photo-bleaching from the incident light source of Mercury (Hg) burner.
    4. FastMoc solid-phase synthesis method using a Peptide synthesizer (Initiator + Alstra).
    5. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): reversed-phase.
    6. Cleavage, Labelling of peptides/proteins
    7. UV/Visible Spectrophotometer
    8. Fluorescence spectrophotometer
    9. Preparation of glass micropipette using capillary (of internal diameter: of 10~20 µm)
    10. Model Vesicle preparation: Natural Swelling Method
    11. Operating Lyophilizer (freeze dryer), Ultrasonic Sonicator, Vacuum Desiccator, and several other affiliated tools used in membrane biophysics.

    Educational Details

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Science:

    Biophysics Lab, Integrated Bioscience Section, Graduate School of Science and Technology

    Shizuoka University, Japan

    Doctoral Dissertation: “Effects of Osmotic Pressure and Lipid Composition on Magainin 2-Induced Pore Formation and its Evolution.”

    Master of Science (M. S) in Physics:

    Institute: Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka- 1000, Bangladesh

    MS Dissertation: Determination of Abdominal Fat Thickness using Focused Impedance Method and Correlation with Measurements using Conventional Methods.”

    Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Physics:

    Institute: Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka- 1000, Bangladesh

    Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C):

    Institute:  B. A. F. Shaheen College, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Education Board: Dhaka

    Professional Experiences:

    [26th April, 2016– Present Date]

    Assistant Professor,

    Department of Physics,

    Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore 7408, Bangladesh

    [26th April, 2014 – 25th April 2016]


    Department of Physics,

    Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore 7408, Bangladesh

    [2nd September, 2013 – 25th April, 2014]

    Lecturer in Physics,

    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

    Green University of Bangladesh

    Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh

    [1st October, 2012 – 1st September,  2013]


    Department of Basic Sciences,

    Primeasia University,

    Dhaka- 1213, Bangladesh

    Current Research Projects:

    Recently I've got confirmation about three (3) Research Grants.

    List of Courses Taught/Conducted in B.Sc & MS Level:

    PHY 1101: Mechanics

    PHY 1103: Properties of Matter

    PHY 1105: Vector Analysis

    PHY 1201: Vibrations and Waves

    PHY 1203: Electricity and Magnetism

    PHY 2101: Optics

    PHY 2207: Computer Fundamentals and Programming

    PHY 2209: Computational Physics

    PHY 3111: Introduction to Astrophysics

    PHY 3103: Quantum Mechanics-I

    PHY 3109: Statistical Mechanics

    PHY 4207: Medical and Radiation Physics

    PHY 5105: Biophysics

    List of Project Supervised in B.Sc & MS Level:

    # Mechanism of Reversible Shape Changes in Charge-neutral Model Vesicles induced by an Anionic Surfactant.

    # Mechanism of pore formation and pore evolution in the phospholipid bilayers (models of biomembranes) under various conditions.

    # To Design and Construction of a Laminated-core Step-down Transformer.

    # To Design a Thermodynamically Isolated Peltier Box for Blood Storage and Transportation during Telemedicine Service.

    Last Update: 09 Feb, 2025

    Research Interest

    • Membrane Biophysics
    • Nanobiomaterials
    • Model Membrane
    • Membrane Potential
    • Antimicrobial Peptides and Pore forming toxin
    • Osmotic Pressure
    • Fluorescence microscopy & photobleaching